Looking for this week’s Best Foodarama Deals?
Foodarama is a locally owned chain with 10 local stores. I like their sales, and they have really really good deals. Their coupon policy can be found here! I love how responsive they are to us! Our stores appreciate ethical couponers who aren’t clearing shelves 5x a week!
Best Foodarama Deals:
Pork Country Style Ribs or Pork Steak, Family Pack, $1 lb.
Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Tenders, Family Pack, $1.47 lb.
Plantain Bananas, .50
Small Navel Oranges, 8/$1
Skinner Pasta, All Varieties, 12 oz., $.69
– Use the $1/2 from the 12/6 SS
– Final Price: $.19 ea
Bush’s Best Cocina Latina Beans, All Varieties, 30 oz., $1.77
Sweet Golden Yams, .50
Crisp Cucumbers, .50
Cilantro, .33
Green Cabbage, .50
Russet Baking Potatoes, .50
Pepperidge Farm Goldfish, All Varieties, 6.6 oz., 1.50
Smucker’s Squeeze Grape Jelly, 20 oz. *with in-store coupon, $.79*
Red Gold Diced Tomatoes with Green Chilies, All Varieties, 10 oz., .50
Viva Paper Towels, All Varieties, Big Roll, 1.50
Ajax Liquid Dish Soap, All Varieties, 28 oz., 1.50
75% Lean Ground Beef Jumbo Pack, Limit 3 per family with $10 additional purchase., $2.29 lb.
Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Tenders Family Pack, $1.47 lb.
Pork Country Style Ribs or Pork Steak Family Pack, $1 lb.
Herded Salsa, All Varieties, 16 oz., $1.88
Fabuloso Multi-Purpose Cleaner, All Varieties, 22 oz., $.99
Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast, Jumbo Pack, $1.77 lb.
Sweet Kiwi Fruit, .25
Tangerines, .25
Lemons, .25