It’s been a week since I graduated with my Bachelor of Social Work degree, and two weeks since class ended. My to-do list is still quite full though. Somehow the laundry is not doing itself, and the pantry is overly full of odds and ends that don’t quite make sense. Why do I have 8 bottles of Italian salad dressing and none of either Caesar or Ranch? What happened to the 20 bottles of mustard I thought I had? I don’t know the answer to those particular questions, but I do know I need to keep better track of what I do have so I can round out my pantry.
Gah, y’all.
So, this week, we’re going to be eating a lot of the food that is already here.
Monday: Hamburgers and french fries and corn on the cob. I bought a big pack of hamburger meat last week when it was $1.97 at HEB, so this needs to get used up. French fries are from the freezer, but they’re also a good deal at Kroger this week with loadable coupon ($1.42 for Oreida).
Tuesday: Chicken and rice in the instant pot. I don’t know what I’m doing specifically, but I’ll work it out. 😉 I always have rice, and I bought chicken the last time I was at Sprouts. Maybe taco bowls? Maybe a citrusy version? Beats me. I’ll let you know on Facebook if it turns out.
Wednesday: Leftover night! I’ll be attending my goddaughter’s 5th grade graduation, but I probably won’t take my kids with me. They still have school and therefore bedtimes.
Thursday: Roasted pork tenderloin with roasted baby potatoes, cauliflower, and yeast rolls. If I’m turning the oven on, I might as well get it all out of my system. I have yeast rolls in the freezer and I want to experiment with them.
Friday: Pizza night! My daughter has a performance which means we’ll be at the school til late. If we don’t have pizza, it will probably be a drive through night for us.
Saturday: Fend for yourself. Let’s face it. I’m tired of cooking by this point.
Sunday: It’s Memorial Day weekend. We must have steaks! Okay, fine. Two of us will have steaks. One of us will have FakeSteak, and one will have a hot dog. With ketchup. Sometimes my kids are weird.