July was a rough month and a lot of things I enjoy fell to the wayside. Blogging, couponing, meal planning… Yeah, all of those got trumped by 3 ER visits, 5 doctor visits, 1 destroyed carport, and 1 freezer loss.
To be perfectly honest, July sucked.
But it’s over now, and we’re moving on. I’m restocking the freezer bit by bit, and looking forward to school starting for my two younger kids. I’ll have a 1st grader and a sophomore. Which means we’re thinking about college and scholarships, and SAT testing.
So, back to meal planning. I’m happy if I cook 3 nights a week. Any more than that, and food gets wasted. Any less than that, and we end up eating out too much.
Monday: I picked up some pork tenderloins at Sprouts ($2.77/lb until Wednesday) and I’m going to experiment with cooking them on the stove. It is far too hot to turn on the oven. 😉 Served with a Caesar salad.
Tuesday: Taco Tuesday. I’m cooking my rice in my favorite rice cooker, which is placed in the laundry room for now. Keeps the kitchen cooler, which I’m all for. Refried or canned beans are also served.
Wednesday: Leftovers or fend for yourself night. It’s matchup day and I’m always busy looking for new deals. My goal is to pick up one additional store per week until I’m back up to all the stores.
Thursday: Chicken in the crockpot. I’m looking for a new recipe, so hit me with your best shot.
Friday: I’m going to happy hour with my rodeo family, so the kids are going to have sandwiches and chips.
Saturday: I’m teaching a public coupon class in Beaumont, so I’ll probably bring something home.
Sunday: Grilling day? Schlitterbahn? I don’t know yet!
Linked at Menu Plan Monday