We eat a lot of boneless skinless chicken breast at my house. A regular meal is usually two pounds to feed the four carnivores in my household. I had heard great things about Zaycon Foods from some fellow bloggers and jumped on the chance to do a review for them. They sell in bulk, in events around the city. The closest one to me was in Baytown.
Usually I get my meat from one of the smaller stores in the Pasadena area. A lot of times, though, the smaller stores don’t have enough supply to meet my meat demand. I have got to give Zaycon Foods credit for that. By buying in bulk and packaging the meat for my family, I can be assured of having enough supply on hand to counter any price increases at the grocery store. In addition, my family lives in a small town in Galveston County. Can you imagine the sticker shock I felt, knowing they paid $3.01/lb for boneless skinless chicken breast?!
I received a 40 lb box of boneless skinless chicken breasts. For that event, Zaycon’s price was $1.79/lb. You can see it was packed on 5/15. I picked it up from Zaycon on 5/18.
The chicken came in a large box. Inside the large box was a large bag, with 4 smaller bags inside. Very easy to divide up if you were buying a case with a friend.
I ended up with 19 smaller bags of about 2 lbs each. This is about what I use for a meal for us.
The chicken itself did need a little work. You have to trim each breast, removing the fat and separating the lobes. Not really hard, but it can get a little time consuming. I opted to just freeze the breasts as is, and trim them up as I used them.
You can see when they’ll be in Houston again, here, as well as sign up to receive their newsletters.
Overall, I would highly recommend Zaycon Foods to anyone who:
• Has the space to store 40lbs of meat OR has someone to split a case with.
• Eats a lot of chicken.
• Doesn’t have ready access to a cheaper price.